Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ghost in the Doorway

I had this dream where you were a large skeleton. You still had organs and a face, but I only saw your bones. Just like the world still had grass and trees but the only thing that mattered was the moon. Perhaps it was too dim to notice anything other than stark white or maybe that is all that needed to be paid attention to. It was more a matter of what was happening than any of these surface details.

You walked with me, like any skeleton would, and we didn't say a word for a very long time. Finally when words came, it was music and images. Light dancing across fields in places we had never been, wind traveling in trees we wanted to climb. I do not remember where we were, but that we weren't going anywhere special. What we would find did not surprise us, but reached into us and fed us life. I couldn't hear anything but your bleached thoughts and I don't remember how I looked. Perhaps I was just as naked as you were. I only know that when we touched it was like fire and when you held me there was nothing but the heat from the furnace inside your chest.

It will be a long winter if I don't see you again.

Originally performed 10/21/10
Originally written on 10/7/08


Anonymous said...

now, this i like. something about it is both disturbing and lovely. it's also sufficiently surreal.

i want the story to continue.

Unknown said...

Achingly beautiful. And I also want to know more about both people.
The image of being skeletons,naked to the bone, is very effective.
Clamoring for more.

Unknown said...

Reminds me of the Highway