Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lyricum Dentata

Last night I did a showcase at Zebu in Red Bank, NJ with three other lovely ladies: Ren Pomrink, Rene Rogers and MaryCae Vignolini.

We call ourselves Lyricum Dentata -- Poets with a Bite.

My portion of the set is listed (with links!) as follows:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Highway

There's an accident on this highway every two miles. There's a mournful but light song playing on the radio and a matching smile on your face as we pass each one. The flames licking the sky and the frantic eyes searching the road give you a sick satisfaction. As if you're the one that caused them.

This is an everyday event as we head toward our not-so-final destination. The reflection in your glasses blocks out any understanding someone might reach. You shine back a cruel, malicious smirk carved into your mouth as you push your foot down on the gas pedal and switch lanes. I don't even try to look into your eyes anymore.

There's a disaster on every exit this time of year. you signal to the fast lane as if we were headed somewhere important and cut off the faster car behind us. The sun is blasting us with dying rays from behind the trees making a blurry sunset rainbow in the clouds. Your wheels hit the pavement with such speed the dashes become complete lines and I wonder if I'm just being overexposed.

With your hands locked onto the wheel, you murmur for me to turn up the music--it's your favorite song. I lean foward against the wind and bitterly turn the dial. I glare at you with your simple, free smile. I look at the cracks on the windows and remember the day you knocked them out because you were going to live in some desperately wonderful place. I wonder if you'll ever leave the state.

Originally performed for the slam on 3/10/11
Originally written on 7/10/05